Dark Web Alert: Large Sets of Compromised Data
Our security teams have discovered additional large sets of compromised data on the Dark Web. More than 50 million records have been breached. The websites below (when known) have been affected. If you have visited these websites or have engaged in business activity with any of these companies, please call us at 888.966.GUARD (4827) to speak with a fraud resolution specialist. Likewise, if you have questions or concerns feel free to call anytime. We are available for you 24/7/365.
– City of Knoxville, TN Government Servers. Breach date: July, 2020. Data exposed: emails and bank accounts.
– Unknown. Breach date: unknown. Breach size: 50 million. Data exposed: names, emails, addresses, phone and gender. More information to come.
– UniversalLogistics.com. Breach date: June 11, 2020. Data exposed: corporate operational data reports, emails, invoices and personal data (names, DOB, SSN, driver’s license, credit cards).