Like most companies in America, you probably have a pile (or room full) of end-of-life IT assets that are loaded with sensitive data and are quickly depreciating. The average cost to wipe the data from the drives is $8-10 per drive. You have a pending expense and current risk of a corporate data breach. Why not turn that risk and expense into a liability shift and a profit? Yes… we can do that.
In ongoing efforts to analyze employer risks – and find effective solutions to mitigate them – we have partnered with several IT asset disposition companies to eliminate the liability, risk and expense associated with end-of-life IT assets and gear. Our partners are highly experienced software engineers who have perfected the end-of-life process for data center/IT hardware over the last twenty years. What does this mean for you? We will buy your IT boneyard, essentially turning your headache, risk and expense into a profit center. That’s correct – we will pay you – and ensure total data destruction by using U.S. Department of Defense endorsed data eradication software. Your asset value will be kept at a maximum and your data risk will disappear.
The process is simple. We review (or create) your inventory list and provide an estimate to purchase. If the estimate is agreed upon we execute proper change of custody paperwork, accept your gear and complete a U.S. Department of Defense endorsed three swipe data eradication process – on site or off site, it’s your choice. Then we provide certificates of complete data eradication for each hard drive. Once swiped, we re-purpose the gear and pay you the revenue share agreed upon. That’s all there is to it! You focus on your daily business, we make your boneyard safely disappear, reducing your risk of a corporate data breach. Simple, safe and hassle free with minimal effort by your IT team.
There are few things in our business world that truly have a 100% upside. You’ve just learned about one of them. Take advantage of this unique opportunity to safely reduce your risk and increase your company bottom line. HIPPA and FDIC compliant.